Rather, it was a productivity boost that has continued in defiance of expert predictions that workers can only be squeezed so hard for a short while.(专家们认为这是一种依靠压榨产业工人在短时期内维持的经济增长模式。然而恰恰相反,这种增长是靠全力提升劳动生产率实现的。)
boozed-up Nassir, Nur's brother, buys glasses for Soraya, his bookish but myopic cousin, in defiance of his elders.(内尔的弟弟,时常喝得酩酊大醉的纳赛尔,无视兄长的反对,给他那迂腐而近视的表姐(妹)索娜娅买了一副眼镜。)
It's just that, in defiance of decades of New Year resolutions, it's unlikely to make us slim.(换句话说,正如我们无视十余年的新年心愿一样,它不可能使我们苗条。)
It was unclear whether the soldiers in the streets were operating without orders or in defiance of them.(在街上的士兵们是否处于无命令状态或者是挑衅仍不明确。)
In defiance of Newton, this model is based on the notion that what goes up need not necessarily come down.(该模型基于上升不一定需下降理念,违反了牛顿的观点。)
These adjectives mean in opposition to and usually in defiance of established authority.(这些形容词有反对并通常蔑视权威的意思。)
Some even continued celebrating, in defiance of the smoke seeping into the rooms.(一些人甚至继续庆祝,全然不顾烟已渗进屋子。)
The high-quality wines from Tuscany that were made in defiance of the existing wine legislation.(来自托斯卡纳地区的高质量的酒,这跟现有的分级制度不一致。)
She acted in defiance of my orders.(她无视我的命令行动了。)
Their city was destroyed, only to be rebuilt in defiance of the dragon's power.(他们的城市被摧毁了,又以对抗龙的力量的原因而重建。)
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